Suffering and healing

James, in the final section of his letter returns to the themes he began with, the truth that so much of our walk as disciples of Jesus Christ is an exercise in waiting and the stunning thought that it is in the waiting, during the hardship, where the growth occurs. Praying for wisdom to know how to use the hard seasons to form the fruit of God in us (1:2-5). It takes faith to be a Christian. Faith that the path God commends and guides us to is right and true and just. Faith that endurance, maintaining our integrity, values and convictions will produce a harvest in the end.


I think the thing that stands out for me most in James’ final words are that he expects us to do this life with Christ together. To rejoice, to sorrow, to reconcile, to pray for healing, to do mission and witness, to work, love and weep - together. As we do this James expects we will see results. We will see answered prayers, we will see the fruit of the beautiful and wise life (3:1) growing amongst us.